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SKNv1/v2 distiller controller

Gross Price: 0,00 PLN /
Product unavailable

This device is phased out, it is impossible to purchase it. Its successor is the SKNv3

This controller is designed to control rectification columns or mashing and brewing boilers (suitable software should be selected).
In case of distillation column, the user defines by means of text rules how the particular process stages should be run, e.g. what power should be used for heating up the charge and what for flooding and stabilization, what should be the valve hysteresis, and what event should cause the process end.
This controller has graphic display, which provides a lot of information in intelligible and legible way and facilitate operation of the entire equipment. Power indications are based on kW not percentage, the column operation parameters can be modified also during its running, also semiautomatic mode is available, where the user has more direct influence on the process.

The operating part includes two SSR 16A relays making possible to connect heaters exceeding 6kW. The heaters are controlled in groups, wherein they have two operation modes: both heaters operate in parallel or one heater is leading and the other modulated. The latter one increases the control resolution and reduces the lights blinking effect. SSRs cooling is assisted with a fan embedded.
This controller also controls the water and hearts electrovalves. The water electrovalve is a NO relay output that can control valves of any coil voltage. The hearts electrovalve is controlled in advanced way, it is possible to connect valves with 6-24 V coils (not all the types), NO or NC. This controller limits significantly the valve heating up – standard supply can lead to valve temperatures even up to 70oC, with this controller the valve will not exceed 40oC. The power supply embedded is suitable for most of the electrovalves available, so it is not needed to install an external power supply.

Temperature measurements is performed with popular DS18b20 sensors in four points of the column: KEG, bottom, top and head.

This controller specifies temperature of the day itself. The hearts electrovalve can be controlled with bottom or top sensor. The head sensor can be defined as a cooler sensor, which will act as a protection against shortage of cooling water. Temperature indications have resolution of 0,01oC, facilitating deeper analysis of the column operation status. Sensors faults are detected with delay, it prevents unexpected termination of the column operation in case of accidental sensor disconnection, however ensures resolute reaction in case of leaving the column unattended.

This controller supports SD card, where the column operation parameters are being saved, what facilitates learning the process and analyzing the faults. The card makes it also possible to upgrade the software without necessity to return the device to the manufacturer.

Functions in short:
Two outputs max 16A/400V.
- Process set-up with text rules.
- Control of water valve and motorized valve.
- Four measuring points with resolution 0,01ºC.
- Legible graphic display.
- Log saving to SD card, possibility to upgrade the software by the user.
- Fully industrial and serial production for long-term and failure-free operation.

The set includes:
- Control panel with brackets.
- Operating part.
- Four temperature sensors (200cm).
- Operating part – panel cable (180cm).
- SD card.

For the operating part you can purchase additionally an enclosure, which facilitates and speeds us installation of the entire set, the enclosure has got dedicated:
ventilation openings
- mounting holes for KEG and operating part
- openings for heater/muff (diameter 47 mm)
- opening for IEC connector (with cable 130 cm for water valve)
- hole for supply cable gland.

V2 version, replacing the previous version, introduced into market. V2 makes possible to control the motorized valve (ball valve with motor drive). Still, there are two electrovalves – for cooling water and LM receiving. The advantage of this solution is reduced attendance and increased process repeatability because of:
- automatic control of heads and tails with single valve,
- automatic control of hearts receiving, with electronically adjusted efficiency.

This controller has got a possibility to correct the motorized valve opening rate itself, thanks to this feature if the user selects excessive opening rate, the controller will try to remove this mistake. During hearts receiving it can change the valve opening rate at any time. This version has got also modified rules for tails and process ending, different configuration of connectors at the rear wall of the control panel is characteristic for this unit. From now on, the connectors are in one row, and the sensors connectors are 3-pin, what makes it possible to connect the sensors in standard supply mode or parasite power mode. It is also possible to disconnect completely the devices from the column elements (e.g. for the purpose of cleaning).

Possibility to operate in LM/OLM mode.
This option is available only for V2 version. By means of the optional adapter, it is possible to control the electrovalves (heads/tails and hearts receiving). In this situation, using the motorized valve is impossible (and not needed).

Good news for homebrewers. SKN makes it also possible to control the mashing and brewing boilers.

Currently, its functionality is similar to the phased out SPZ10 controller. It is possible to define up to 8 pauses temperature/time and intervals between subsequent hoppings. The mixer is controlled with 1A relay, it is possible to define the operation way (e.g. constant operation or operation-standstill in controlled cycles). eChart program is replaced with the function of data logs into SD card.

Although users can change the software themselves, nevertheless when placing an order please pay attention the controller for brewing has got threaded temperature sensor.

The file with user’s manual for brewing version is named "SKN_SPZ10".

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