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PPXv2 remote panel

Gross Price: 195,00 PLN /

This panel is designed for SPPv2 and SPPv2L controllers. Installed in living rooms it fulfills two functions:

1.Remote access to all the boiler controller functions, including faults signalization. Operation is exactly the same as with the basic boiler panel.
2. Work as a room regulator. Each panel has embedded temperature sensor, which thanks to digital data transfer is less susceptible to interferences.


Purchasing an additional panel is a good idea if the user wants to monitor the operation of a remote boiler or if a temperature sensor with room regulator function should be installed in given room, and the wire length would be longer then a dozen or so meters. For easier identification, the controller offers a possibility to assign easy name for each panel. In order to prevent the access of unauthorized persons, the panel functions can be protected with (unchangeable) buttons combination.

The controller can mate with up to five PPXv2 panels, connection is done with four wires (common UTP cable recommended). Spacing of installation holes is in accordance with 50 mm electrical installation box.


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