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Flooding sensor - CZK

Gross Price: 115,00 PLN /
Product unavailable

This element mates with SKNv3 or SKNv2 controllers, where it is connected instead of one of the temperature sensors.

The task of this sensor is to detect properly high level of alcohol in the column, thanks to it the controller can carry out the process of column flooding itself without a risk of the cooler overfilling. During subsequent stages (stabilization, hearts receiving, etc.), it makes possible to detect secondary flooding resulting e.g. from incorrect power set.

Cost of it is similar to cost of float sensors, however on the contrary to them, CZK offers:

- Quick installation.
- No interference with the column structure (loss of warranty, necessity to have suitable work shop).
- Multi-step digital signal concerning the flooding level. 

This sensor is designed to be installed only on tubular sight-glasses, which are not filled out with small springs (at least 2 cm under and above clamp). The clamp is made to fit a few most popular diameters (the excess sections to be break off). More information concerning this sensor is in the SKNv3 manual.

The set includes: clamp, screwed elements. The cable length is 50cm.


The following video presents installation method and its influence on the flooding process. 

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